Large Format Instant Film Book Project
Classic Studio Portraiture - 8x10 Polaroid instant film & 35mm film. All analog.
8x10 Film now in-house!
8x10 Film now in-house! 〰️
Final product/goal - a larger album style photo book for sale to the public.
Possibly a gallery exhibition of the originals. (I’ve never tried anything like that before.)
Seated upper body for 8x10 & standing headshot to 3/4 body for 35mm.
Topless w/black “X” nipple pasties (supplied). Female & Male.
The 8x10 instant film is stupidly expensive ($20/shot) - so supplementing with color 35mm film.
I expect to take up to 5 shots on the 8x10 film per model, ideally as few as 2-3.
35mm on pro SLR - Plenty in stock, 2-3 36exp rolls per model.
All color film
Residential Studio in Plymouth, WI
Approx 2hr per session needed.
Set is built! Custom flower wall backdrop.
Lighting design is finalized.
Models will be able to purchase a copy of final album at cost. (TBD)
Experienced models preferred. Be prepared to provide portfolio & references.
Strictly 18+ - 21+ Preferred.
Full model release required.
See TFP considerations below.
BTS photos taken by Josh Chacon, model Megan Shanafelt
TFP - Portraits - Digital Gels
Since I’m not releasing any digital files from this until after the book is published, I needed to come up with a way to quickly produce images at the end of these sessions for TFP compensation. After we finish the large format instant film and 35mm color film, I just spin a few things around and we crank out some digital images using super saturated “gelled” lighting. I can turn these around really quickly and they don’t infringe upon the content for the book. Model’s styling is completely up to them, no restrictions. Headshot to 3/4 body - 12-18 final images delivered.